Friday, January 02, 2009

A four-section poem of reflection after reading the 16th chapter of The 5000 Year Leap:

Empire of Liberty
Where purpose ripples through
the laws incorporate
and kindnesses individual Each
fit for their spheres.

The rampart nation
steeled to a code
Within the channels of law / vast tracts of freedom are preserved,
Wherein men may act as good as gods sharing what they safe-ly possess.

It is man that is broken; needing a fence of rules at every turn,
Separated in his thoughts away from all around,
A selfish ingrown will.
Mankind - willing to tread on the fingers of his brother,
each reaching for individual satisfaction.
Even the best visions of law only show the callow colors of our motivation.

I await the perfect leader
healing he will bring
we'll act in righteous pro-duc-tivity
in hope for life of perfected thought - I wait
here speaking from the shadows.

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